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A ride into the danger zone

As temps drop and we enter into another winter in the Northeast, our roadways become a danger zone for highway incidents. Ice can form sooner on the decks of bridges and overpasses before it does on the roadways because of the air that circulates both above and below the surface of the elevated roadway, causing the pavement temperature to drop more rapidly. Precipitation on roadways mixed with freezing temperatures will also produce ice, black ice, sleet, freezing rain, and snow, which unfortunately will all result in a number dangerous spills on highways and local roads from over turned trucks carrying hazardous and non-hazardous materials. Today even with the advancement in technology and by having better prevention methods such as: anti-icing, pre-treatment, de-icing, and pre-wetting in place to reduce the impact of weather, accidents still happen on roadways, bridges, and over passes. Often times when these spills happen it can consist of combustible, ignitable or corrosive pollutants, which is why having a properly trained staff that understands how to deal with these circumstances (during the coldest months of the year) is at the very core of our job. Tri-State has the capability and experience to respond to a wide variety of spills of all capacities. Our job is to make sure that an emergency spill clean up is done correctly, safely, and properly, to ensure for the safety of the environment and all motorists. However even with all the experience and knowledge, roadway spills during winter months always need to be handled with caution, because they can be flat out dangerous…period.

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