If you noticed an unexplainable increase in your home heating oil use this past season, your tank may be leaking. But that information alone is not always an accurate indicator. If you the home you live in has an in the ground heating oil tank chances are its been there for a while and like all equipment, tanks have a limited useful life and eventually have to be replaced. The best way to avoid significant expenses is to have a new aboveground tank installed in your basement, garage or storage shed. Moreover, many underground home heating oil tanks are like the 275 gallon bare steel tanks you have seen in basements or garages and were not designed to be buried and left in place, because they will eventually rust and leak. Even larger tanks that were specifically designed for underground use can leak. Tri State Environmental Services provides both residential and commercial underground and above-ground storage tank services, including cleaning, abandonment and removal. What if contamination is found? First, don't panic. The problem could be minor and relatively simple to correct. Tri State Environmental can take cleanup actions right away and besides, addressing the problem now will prevent higher cost and damage later.
‪#‎tristateenviromentalservices‬ ‪#‎hawthorneny‬ ‪#‎heatingoiltankremoval‬‪#‎24hourspillresponseny‬ source: http://www.dec.ny.gov/